Values and Ethos
"Pupils stand '10 feet tall' in this school because they learn to believe in themselves"
Exam results are what you get. They do not define who you are and will play only a part in shaping the person you become.
That message is writ large across everything we do at FSG. It’s at the very heart of our vision for an outstanding quality of education and its at the very heart of our school curriculum.
So, if exam results don’t define you then an obvious question is what does? It’s hard to argue with R. J Palacio, author of ‘Wonder’ and her assertion that; “Courage, Kindness, Friendship, Character. These are the qualities that define us as human beings and propel us, on occasion, to greatness.”
We would add a few more to that list - teamwork, service, resilience, leadership, wisdom, integrity…
And perhaps most importantly we truly believe that whilst exam results don’t define us, a lack of confidence can! Those who lack confidence don’t join in, don’t sign up, don’t take part, don’t have a go. They settle!
Opportunities are missed.
Options are narrowed.
Doors close.
That lack of confidence starts to chart their course for the future and to define the person they become - but working together, parents and school, can tackle that. We want our girls to realise that they are capable of more than they know.
So, our ambition for our girls goes beyond solely the academic to focus efforts on personal development & character education, cultural capital, emotional health, a global dimension & international outlook, the hidden curriculum and much broader educational outcomes. Our ambition is not focussed on league table positions or on a relentless focus on grades alone. Instead, our curriculum goes far beyond the specifications to affect change on the whole child/every child. Our girls will leave us with a strong portfolio of academic qualifications, highly developed interpersonal skills, a broad range of interests, experiences and memories and will be well prepared to pursue varied and fulfilling careers and to take on the world.
They will be well qualified and well rounded.
They will join in, sign up, take part, STAND OUT. They will feel ten feet tall! At FSG:
Opportunities are embraced.
Options and horizons broadened.
Doors opened!
Our academic curriculum therefore is only a part of what we do.
Our school has a host of opportunities available to all students - right from the outset of Year 7 - with FSGBacc activities like Mountain biking, Climbing, Archery, FSGRadio, CoJo’s, Cheerleading, our own Escape Room! In Year 8, they’ll be a Language Ambassador and teach primary students in French or Spanish! They can join the Combined Cadet Force and in Year 9 begin their Duke of Edinburgh journey! They’ll have an opportunity to perform in music concerts, drama productions, dance performances and/or to combine all 3 in the big summer musical! They could represent the school in sports or debating, be a part of Model United Nations or a campaign champion for ‘sendmyfriend’ or start their own business through Young Enterprise - literally something for everyone! There are loads of trips and visits too, from overnight camps here at the school to trips all over the world - and in each and every one of the activities listed above, the chance to create lifelong memories with friends and the chance to make new friends! So be it climbing to the top of the climbing wall, riding the seesaw on our mountain bikes, teaching a lesson in a foreign language or completing the obstacle course as a cadet….
Students will learn to push themselves; to feel the fear and do it anyway! Join in, sign up, take part! STAND OUT!
Pupils seize every opportunity enabling to develop into articulate and confident young women.
We believe this is in an incredibly important part of education. Being part of a club, a team, a cast or orchestra requires teamwork and commitment. It develops self-confidence and, simply, can allow us all to grow and flourish in other arenas. This belief in the power of co-curricular activities drives our thinking.
The school has a clear vision to see every pupil succeed in life.
Girls therefore do not complete an excessive amount of qualifications. Typically, students sit 10 x GCSE and a further 3 A-levels. This allows time to focus efforts on achieving the very highest grades within these but also time to participate in other activities and interests – both at school and at home. Additionally, and importantly, there is also time to spend with friends and family. We feel a sensible balance - with girls able to excel and explore in the classroom but also on the stage, the sports field, the concert hall......Time, too, to just be a child/teenager.