Trustees Information and Duties
Objectives and Aims
The principle objective of the School is to provide an appropriate education for students between the ages of 11 and 18. The Board of Trustees have given careful consideration to the Charities Act 2011 general guidance on public benefit and in particular to its supplementary public benefit guidance on advancing education.
Objectives, Strategies and Activities
The main objectives of the School are summarised below:
- to deliver high quality education and care to all students within the School;
- to raise standards and achievement;
- to improve the effectiveness of the School by keeping the curriculum and organisation structure under continual review;
- to provide value for money for the funds expended;
- to comply with all appropriate statutory and curriculum requirements;
- to maintain close links with industry and commerce; and
- to conduct the School’s business in accordance with the highest standards of integrity, probity and openness.
The School’s main aim is encompassed in its mission statement which is “Our prime purpose is to provide the highest quality of education, care and preparation for life in a stimulating and exciting environment”.
The School produces an annual School Development Plan, which details how it intends to achieve the aims and objectives for the year. The activities provided include:
- tuition and learning opportunities for all students to attain appropriate academic qualifications;
- training opportunities for all staff and especially teaching staff;
- secondments and placing of students with industrial and commercial partners;
- a programme of sporting and after school leisure activities for all students;
- cooperation and sharing resources with local schools;
- a system of after school clubs to allow students to explore new areas in a practical and project oriented way;
- a careers advisory programme to help students obtain employment or move on to higher education.
We welcome applications to open Board of Trustees positions from all backgrounds. The board currently operates a committee structure.
Members + Trustees |
Name |
Title |
Roles & Responsibilities |
Status |
Appointed From |
Appointed To |
Mrs Liz Carter | Member | Current | 22/09/21 | 21/09/25 | |
Mr Steve Corkerton | Trustee | Current | 01/03/25 | 28/02/29 | |
Ms Sarah Costain-Perry | Trustee | Current | 01/03/25 | 28/02/29 | |
Mr Charles Lancefield | Trustee | Chair, Personal Development, Parent Trustee | Current | 01/02/24 | 31/01/28 |
Mr Mark Lester | Trustee | Principal | Current | 01/09/18 | N/A |
Mrs Tracy Luke MBE | Member | Chair of Members | Current | 01/10/24 | 30/09/28 |
Mr John Mather | Trustee | Vice Chair, Pupil Premium | Current | 17/04/23 | 16/04/27 |
Mr Philip Matson | Trustee | Current | 01/03/25 | 28/02/29 | |
Mr Alan Maycock | Trustee | Attendance, Behaviour and Finance | Current | 22/01/24 | 21/01/28 |
Mrs Mary Muchena | Member | Current | 22/09/21 | 21/09/25 | |
Mrs Martha Nicholau | Member | Current | 22/09/21 | 21/09/25 | |
Mrs Nikki Petrie | Clerk | Current | - | N/A | |
Mrs Pat Todd | Member | Current | 22/09/21 | 21/09/25 | |
Mrs Sarah Thorne | Member | Current | 25/09/24 | 24/09/28 | |
Mrs Sarah Ware | Trustee | Careers and Leadership Learning, Parent Trustee | Current | 01/02/24 | 31/01/28 |
Ms Sally Williamson | Trustee | Safeguarding/SEND/MH | Current | 13/05/23 | 12/05/27 |
Register of Business Interests & Pecuniary Interests |
Name |
Business |
Relation to Governor |
Any transactions |
Total amount of transactions |
Nature of transactions |
Amounts included in debtors/creditors at year end |
At arm's length |
At cost |
Date of Register Entry |
Mr Matthew Allingham (Assistant Principal) | No business interests declared | 10/10/24 | |||||||
Mrs Liz Carter | No business interests declared | 11/09/24 | |||||||
Mr Steve Corkerton | No business interests declared | 28/01/25 | |||||||
Ms Sarah Costain-Perry | No business interests declared | 12/02/25 | |||||||
Mrs Dawn Curzon | HR Notebook Company | Director | No | 16/10/24 | |||||
Mrs Caroline Ferguson (Assistant Principal) | No business interests declared | 18/10/24 | |||||||
Mrs Nathalie Foster (Finance Manager) | No business interests declared | 12/09/24 | |||||||
Mr Kevin Frost | No business interests declared | 10/09/24 | |||||||
Mr Tom Harris (Network Manager) | No business interests declared | 10/10/24 | |||||||
Mr Mark Lester (Principal) | No business interests declared | 03/10/24 | |||||||
Mr Charles Lancefield | No business interests declared | 09/10/24 | |||||||
Mrs Tracy Luke | No business interests declared | 18/09/24 | |||||||
Mr John Mather | EMC Associates Ltd | Director | No | 11/10/24 | |||||
Locksmeadow Headcorn Management Ltd | Site Manager of MI/Residence | No | |||||||
Mr Philip Matson | No business interests declared | 05/03/25 | |||||||
Mr Alan Maycock | No business interests declared | 30/09/24 | |||||||
Mr Kevin McCreadie (Estates Manager) | No business interests declared | 11/09/24 | |||||||
Mrs Mary Muchena | No business interests declared | 10/10/24 | |||||||
Mrs Martha Nicholaou | No business interests declared | 10/10/24 | |||||||
Mr Keith Norman (Finance Director) | No business interests declared | 23/9/24 | |||||||
Mr Jon Peach | No business interests declared | 30/09/23 | |||||||
Mr Nick Price | Frederic Hall | Partner | No | 30/09/23 | |||||
Mr Daniel Quinn (Vice Principal) | No business interests declared | 30/09/23 | |||||||
Mrs Kerry Sauntry (Assistant Principal) | No business interests declared | 10/10/24 | |||||||
Ms Sym Savage | No business interests declared | 30/09/23 | |||||||
Ms Helen Starkie | No business interests declared | 02/10/24 | |||||||
Mrs Pat Todd | No business interests declared | 06/11/24 | |||||||
Mrs Sarah Thorne | No business interests declared | 15/09/24 | |||||||
Mrs Sarah Ware | Sage Software | Director | No | 27/11/24 | |||||
Mrs Victoria Wilkinson | No business interests declared | 08/10/24 | |||||||
Ms Sally Williamson | Project Salus CIC Salus Solutions CIC Salus Community LTD |
Company Director | No | 09/10/24 |
Attendance Register |
Name |
March 2023 |
June 2023 |
September 2023 |
November 2023 |
March 2024 |
June 2024 |
October 2024 |
November 2024 |
February 2025 |
March 2025 |
Mr Steve Corkerton | Attended | |||||||||
Ms Sarah Costain-Perry | Attended | |||||||||
Mr Charles Lancefield | Attended | Attended | Attended | Attended | Attended | Attended | ||||
Mr John Mather | Attended | Attended | Attended | Attended | Attended | Attended | Attended | Attended | Attended | |
Mr Philip Matson | Attended | |||||||||
Mr Alan Maycock | Attended | Attended | Attended | Attended | Attended | Attended | Attended | Attended | Attended | |
Mrs Sarah Ware | Attended | Attended | Attended | Attended | Attended | Attended | ||||
Ms Sally Williamson | Absent | Attended | Attended | Attended | Attended | Attended | Attended | Attended | Attended | Attended |