Health and Social Care


Our aim is to provide students with teaching and learning opportunities that explore a wide variety of topics that underpin the skills and qualities needed for a range of future careers, related to both health and social care and the wider employment market. The broadness of the curriculum aims to engage, promote enjoyment and allow students to discover the impact of positive and negative human development and to critically analyse how these factors affect our day to day lives. The course is designed so that the units build upon each other as the students grow in confidence. This allows the students to embed their knowledge whilst giving opportunities to put into practice what they learn. This ensures they develop their technical skills, which they can apply to real life scenarios through case studies and local community contexts.


Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Term 5
Term 6
Year 9
Introduction to the Health and Social Care sector. HSC Careers Project. Component 1- Growth and Development across the Lifestages. Component 2- Health Conditions and Services Component 1- Growth and development across the life stages. Factors that affect development. Component 2- Different types of health and social care services. Component 1- Factors that affect development. Component 2- Barriers to accessing Health and Social Care Services Component 1- Life Events. Component 2- Skills, Attributes and Values Component 1- Investigate how individuals deal with Life Events. Component 2- Obstacles that individuals requiring care may face Pearson Set Assignment Preparation
Year 10
BTEC Pearson Controlled Assessments- Component 1 BTEC Pearson Controlled Assessments- Component 1 BTEC Pearson Controlled Assessments- Component 2 BTEC Pearson Controlled Assessment- Component 1 Component 3- Healthy and Wellbeing Factors affecting Wellbeing Component 3- Healthy and Wellbeing Factors affecting Wellbeing. Interpreting health indicators
Year 11
Component 3- Factors affecting Health and Wellbeing Person-centred approach to improving Health and Wellbeing Component 3- Revision and Mock Exam Component 3- Revision and External Examination Re-sit opportunity    
Year 12
Unit 5 Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs. Learning Aims A, B and C Unit 5 Learning aims A, B and C assignment. Unit 5 learning aim D assignment Unit 5- Assignment Unit 1- Human Lifespan and Development Unit 1- Human Lifespan and Development Examination May. Unit 2- Working in Health and Social Care LAA. Unit 14- Physiological Disorders LAA
Year 13
Unit 2 Working in Health and Social Care- LAA, LAB. Unit 14 Physiological Disorders- LAB, LAC Unit 2 Working in Health and Social Care LAC and Revision. Unit 14 Physiological Disorders- LAD Unit 2 Written Exam. Unit 1 Written Exam Resit opportunity. Unit 14 Learning Aims A, B and C Assignment. Unit 14 Learning Aim D Assignment Unit 14 Learning Aims A, B, C and D Assignment Resubmissions Revision for Re-sit. Units 1&2 Written Exam Resit opportunities  

Key Stage 4

The Health and Social Care curriculum focuses on both internal and external assessment. Internal assessment in the form of written assignments, and external assessments in the form of exams marked by Pearson. At Level 1/2, Component 3 is the last component to be taught towards the end of year 10 and year 11, as this component directly builds on the knowledge gained in Components 1 and 2. Year 9 provides the opportunity to gain an insight into the health and social care sector, which accounts for nearly one in ten of all paid jobs in the UK. Students will gain knowledge of human growth and development across the life stages, a range of health and social care services and the barriers that prevent access to these. Students will also study the care values that are vitally important to this sector, and they will have the opportunity to practise applying them.

In Year 10, students apply what they have learnt in the previous year and complete the internally assessed components of the course, worth 60% of the overall grade. This takes the form of written assignments. In the last two terms of this year, students will begin to learn the content for Component 3.

In Year 11, students complete Component 3, which is an externally assessed synoptic project worth 40% of the overall grade. This builds directly on what the students have learnt in Components 1 and 2. This enables learning to be brought together in the development of key skills, such as interpreting data to assess an individual’s health and discuss the impact on their overall health and wellbeing.

Post 16

At Level 3, one internally assessed written assignment and one externally assessed exam is completed each year. The externally assessed units are taught in order to provide maximum opportunity to re-sit if required. Unit 5 and Unit 2 are closely aligned allowing students to make connections between previous knowledge and application to Health and Social scenarios. Lessons involve a variety of activities and a combination of written and verbal ways of working. Reflective practice is promoted through the development of skills and techniques that allow learners to respond to feedback and identify areas for improvement using relevant presentation techniques.

This qualification brings together knowledge, understanding and application to a variety of health and social care contexts. Throughout the two years of study, students acquire transferable skills such as communication, teamwork, research and analysis, which are valued in both higher education and the workplace. Prepares students emotionally by building their beliefs in their own abilities and provides practical skills to help them measure their own physical health. Provides a realistic understanding of how to meet the needs of individuals using services and specialist equipment. Provides confidence to challenge their own and others’ opinions. The course encourages students to challenge stereotypes and discrimination in the HSC sector and provides them with the confidence to engage in discussion and debate.

Health and Social Care Level 3 Information Sheet

Extra Curricular Opportunities

Students have the opportunity in Year 9 to take part in a workshop led by Canterbury Christ Church University to gain more knowledge and insight into a range of health and social care related careers. Students will also attend the Canterbury Christ Church Simulation Suite, which is an educational facility used to enhance practical skills training in Health and Social Care. Students will also be able to engage with guest speakers who work in the sector, which will apply to the topic being studied. Students will have the opportunity to attend online masterclasses with professionals working in the sector.

Exam Boards

BTEC Tech Award Level 1/2 in Health and Social Care (Certificated in Year 11)

BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care (Certificated in Year 13)

If you would like to know more about our curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact the school.