Business Studies


Business plays a huge role in culture and general society. There are over 5.56 million private businesses in the UK, 99% of them being considered SMEs (small to medium enterprises) employing 0-249 people. 1 in 3 UK entrepreneurs are female rising year on year. Understanding how business operations affect our daily lives is paramount if we are to sustain a successful future. Business, whilst theoretical in places, is set naturally to a vocational background. Our students therefore use vocational scenarios to transfer theory to reality in their learning, all of which is underpinned by our academic qualifications so students leave with credible qualifications and the skills to be successful within business. Ultimately, we want our students to be ready to contribute to the UK economy in a positive way.

Business and soft skills are needed to make informed decisions. It influences everything in our daily lives, along with impacting all UK and global markets. We want to inspire success and broaden the skills and understanding of every student.

Our core vision is to make sure students are ready to work in the modern world with the skills they need to transfer between roles and run companies.

The curriculum has a heavy emphasis on current real world scenarios, local context and encourages autonomy of topics in line with the curriculum. Students are given clear links to how theory relates to business and where that can take them in the future with our careers focus. Business allows students to use a range of cross-curricular topics and skills.


Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Term 5
Term 6
Year 9
Enterprise Skills and Premium Puddings project Enterprise Skills and Premium Puddings project Events management 3.1 Business in the real world - Nature, purpose, ownership 3.1 Business in the real world - Aims, objectives and stakeholders 3.1 Business in the real world - Location, business planning and expansion
Year 10
3.2 Influences of business - Technology, environmental and globalisation 3.2 Influences of business - Economy, legislation, competitive markets 3.4 Human Resources - Structures and recruitment 3.4 Human Resources - Motivation and training 3.3 Business operations - Production processes, procurement MOCK Paper 1 V1- 3.3 Business operations - Quality and customer service
Year 11
3.5 Marketing - segmentation and market research MOCK Paper 1 V2 - 3.5 Marketing - Marketing Mix 3.6 Finance - Sources of finance, cash flow and Financial terms and calculations 3.6 Finance - Analysis of financial performance - PAPER 2 Practice Paper 1 GCSE exam Paper 2 GCSE exam 
Year 12
3.1 What is business? 3.2 Managers, leadership and decision making 3.3 Marketing managment 3.4 Operational management & 3.5 Financial management 3.6 Human resource management Mock AS paper Year 1 round-up
Year 13
3.7 Analysing the strategic position of a business 3.8 Choosing a strategic direction 3.9 Strategic methods: how to pursue strategies 3.10 Managing strategic change Paper 1 A-Level exam Paper 2 & 3 A-Level exam 

Key Stage 4

During year 9 we explore a range of enterprise skills and start to introduce key business terminology. We cover topics that are not required on the curriculum but fit in with our school’s local context. From Term 4, through year 10 and 11, students explore the GCSE content. The aim is for students to know and understand business concepts, business terminology, business objectives, the integrated nature of business activity and the impact of business on individuals and wider society. They will be able to apply knowledge and understanding to contemporary business issues and to different types and sizes of businesses in local, national and global contexts. Through a range of business scenarios, they will develop as critical and reflective thinkers with enquiring minds and a critical approach to make informed judgements. The lessons draw knowledge and skills from a range of cross-curricular subjects.

Post 16

Our sixth form provision for business looks at creating future leaders and preparing students for the world of work in business. A popular post-18 option for our students, we continue with our holistic approach, getting students to demonstrate the interrelated nature of business using business models, theories and techniques to support analysis of contemporary business issues and situations to provide a dynamic specification. Lessons are designed to engage students through topics and issues that are relevant in today’s society – they will study key contemporary
developments such as digital technology and business ethics, and globalisation is covered throughout the topics. Alongside these business skills, students will develop the knowledge and skills needed to analyse data, think critically about issues and make informed decisions – all skills that are needed for further study and employment.

We will use a variety of assessment styles including multiple choice, short answer, data response, essay and case studies so that students feel more confident and engage with the questions. Real life case studies will be used wherever possible to make it easier for students to relate to and apply their knowledge and skills developed throughout the course.

Business Studies A-Level Information Sheet

Extra Curricular Opportunities

Alongside our careers department, we run the national Young Enterprise company programme. This allows all students from year 9+ to form their own company, market it and potentially make their own profit. They will sell at local markets and attend local competitions through the YE scheme.

The business department has run a number of trips from Disneyland Paris to Thorpe Park, to visits to London. We are hoping to have a number of local trips for students to experience business in action. We are always looking for new ways to engage with other subjects and local/national businesses to see business in action.

We engage with higher education settings in order to give sixth form students informed aspirations.

Online Resources

Exam Boards


A-Level - AQA

If you would like to know more about our curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact the school.