

Textiles provides an opportunity for students to explore, develop and extend their creative skills through different processes and a range of media. Students are able to work with a variety of fabrics and surfaces and are encouraged to experiment with decorative effects such as embroidery, print, machine sewing and constructed textiles. Through textiles, students can explore ideas and meanings in the work of a wide range of artists, fashion designers and craftspeople and will learn about different times, cultures and diversities from around the world. Textiles builds on the knowledge and understanding acquired in Art & Design and appeals to students who wish to explore their ideas through alternative practical applications.


Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Term 5
Term 6
Year 9
Nature Nature Nature/Animals print & Collage Nature/Animals print & Collage Animals/Surface - Mixed-media Animals/Surface - Mixed-media
Year 10
Marine Marine Imagined seascapes Imagined seascapes Personal Investigation Personal Investigation
Year 11
Personal Investigation Personal Investigation Exam Exam    
Year 12
Landscape Sculpture Printmaking Portrait/Figure Personal Investigation Personal Investigation
Year 13
Personal Investigation Personal Investigation Exam Prep Exam Prep Exam  

Key Stage 3

Students will have a taster project during Y7 where they will learn how to successfully use heat transfer dyes and different stitching techniques to create their own textiles artwork. This will enable students to develop their understanding of the specialism of Textiles so that they can make an informed decision as to whether or not to opt for the GCSE course.

Key Stage 4

This course allows us to continue to provide for a flexible structure and an excellent choice of experiences, tailored to meet the needs and aspirations of each student. The emphasis is on achieving a balance of technical skill, personal expression, and contextual knowledge, with each topic being taught and then further developed by each student’s own aspirations. This is facilitated with support and guidance from the teacher throughout the course. Stand-alone workshops including media experiences will also play a part in widening each student’s range of experiences before students can decide upon and explore their highly personalised ‘Final Major Project’ which starts in Year 10. A wide range of disciplines are available to each student from which to construct an individual programme. These include:

  • Drawing and painting
  • Constructed textiles
  • Machining skills
  • Printmaking
  • Digital editing
  • Sublimation techniques
  • Use of photography
  • Collage
  • Stitch

Post 16

This course allows us to continue to provide a flexible structure and an excellent choice of experiences, tailored to meet the needs and aspirations of each student to enable them to stretch their skills developed during their GCSE programme 9in Art or Textiles). The emphasis is on achieving a balance of technical skill, personal expression and contextual knowledge, with each topic being taught and then further developed by each student’s own aspirations. This is facilitated with support and guidance from the teacher/s.
Stand-alone workshops/events including artist workshops and other media experiences will also play a part in widening each student’s range of experiences before they decide upon and explore their Personal Investigation. The units that are studied are:
Component 1 “Personal Investigation” – After the exploratory 4 terms experimenting with a range of media and approaches, each student then at the start of term 5 in Yr 12 generates a topic/proposal of their choice to explore in detail, including 3000 word illustrated essay. This component is worth 60% of the overall marks and completed by January of Yr 13.
Component 2 “Externally Set Assignment” is given out in the New Year and is the exam paper with a starting point to explore. Students will then use their preparatory time to develop ideas and then complete a final piece in 15 hours of supervised study just before/after Easter in Yr 13. This element is worth 40% of the overall marks.

Textiles A-Level Information Sheet

Extra Curricular Opportunities

There are opportunities to take part in community events alongside Fine Art students. This includes the annual Charivari carnival-like experience each summer, making large scale sculptures from withies and waterproof tissue paper to parade through the town – everything from the designing, making, and presenting of a celebratory event. Whether creating individual artefacts or working as part of a team is a hugely rewarding experience for many of our students. Various competitions are also advertised and promoted to students which provides an opportunity to exhibit within the local community via regional exhibitions.

Online Resources

Exam Boards


If you would like to know more about our curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact the school.